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Forest to Field Upcoming Classes by Katrina Blair

I am excited to share a few classes in Hotchkiss Colorado at Big B's for the Forest to Field Gathering.

I will be teaching a 1 1/2 hour class two times on Wild Greens for Health during the weekend. Once on Saturday and again Sunday morning.. We will be making a dandelion lemonade on our bicycle blender with lemon and local apples to start with. Then we will harvest the mallow water that had been soaking for a few hours already to use in making a fresh plantain healing lotion to apply to our thirsty bodies in this drier climate. We will also go into the field for a short plant walk and find other edible and medicinal greens that we can harvest for our overall well being. We will identify some of the plants that are great for making a wild green powder for the winter season.

The second class happening on Friday from 2-5 is an experiential class on wild desserts. We will make an acorn vanilla ice cream blended and placed in a soccer ball ice cream maker. We will add salt and ice to the outside of the inner container and kick it around until it freezes into ice cream. While that is happening, we will make a hawthorn berry pie with cattail crust. Our finale will be to feast on our delicious wild food desserts in deep gratitude for the abundance of this season and the joy of sharing it with our community.

Please join us every Tuesday and Friday back in Durango at the Turtle Cafe for our wild food lunches where you can learn about the wild harvest and meet great people!

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