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Avocado Quiche

2 cups sprouted wheat berries, 1 cup sprouted sunflower seeds
(or 1 cup oats and 1 cup pecans)
2 t rosemary, 1 onion, 1 t celtic sea salt, 1/2 t water (just enough for desired texture), pinch of kelp
2 tomatoes, mixed bean sprouts, 1 avocado, spinach, 1 cup nutty seedy cheese (optional), 1 handful cilantro (diced), any other available vegetable

Grind the wheat berries, sunflower seeds, rosemary, onion, and salt in the cuizinart.
Form the crust in the bottom of a pie pan. Place in the sun, dehydrator or oven to dry until a slight crusty layer develops. Layer the crust with the nutty seedy cheese (if desired), slices of avocados, tomatoes, spinach, any other vegetables and sprinkle on sprouts and diced cilantro. Devour with delight!

The Freshest Apple Pie Alive

2 cups pecans, 2 cups dates
4-6 apples, 1 T cinnamon, 1 lemon (juice)

In cuisinart, grind the dates and pecans. Form into the bottom of a pie pan. Add apples, cinnamon and lemon juice in the cuizinart and blend until the apples are finely chopped. Spread the filling in the crust and decorate the top. Delicious right away or chilled slightly.

Green Juice

1-2 apples

1 handful of spinach, parsley, chard, dandelion, comfrey, wheat grass (or anything green)

Blend the greens and apple with a full blender of water, strain out the pulp, and enjoy!
You can use the pulp in salad dressings, other dishes or mix it in with your pet food.

Green Goddess Pulp Dressing

1 apple, 2 T soaked almonds
green juice pulp
2 T honey, 2 T tamari, 1 T olive oil
2 T Balsamic vinegar
1-2 cup of water (or enough for the preferred consistency)

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy.

Bell Pepper Vinaigrette

1 bell pepper, 1 avocado
1 lemon, 2 T tamari, 2 T honey
1-2 cup of water (depending on preferred consistency)
Blend all ingredients together for a rich and tasty dressing.

Almond Milk

1 cup soaked almonds
2 T honey or 1/2 cup of dates, 1 t vanilla
4 cups of water
Blend all ingredients thoroughly. Strain out the pulp with either a strainer or a cheese cloth bag. Place pulp back into the blender with more water.
Strain again. You should have 8 cups of sweet delicious almond milk.
Use the pulp in dressings, cookies, manna bread or any other raw food recipes.
For a variation use 2-4 bananas or the wheat berry juice strained out in making manna bread instead of almonds.

Manna Bread

4 cups wheat berry sprouts
1 cup raisins, 1 cup pecans or almond pulp
Blend thoroughly in the blender 2 cups of wheat berry sprouts at a time with good water. Strain out the liquid and mix the pulp (your bread dough) with the pecans and raisins. Form into loaves and dry in the sun for a day, dehydrator for six hours or oven (at lowest temperature) for approximately four hours.

Almond Cream-O-Tomato Soup

4-6 tomatoes
1-2 avocados
1 bunch basil/parsley/cilantro
2-3 T miso
2 cloves of garlic
6 cups of water
Blend all ingredients in the blender until smooth. If desired, heat until just warm enough to eat with pleasure. Garnish with fresh diced parsley and chives.

Spicy Flaxseed Crackers

2 cups soaked flaxseeds
4 cups of water
Thumb-size hunk of ginger
2 cloves garlic
1 T red chili powder or 1 jalapeno
1/2 t celtic sea salt
Add all ingredients into the blender with water enough to blend without stress (approximately 4 cups). Blend thoroughly. Pour into bowl. Pour onto dehydration sheets. Dry for approximately 8-12 hours. If using solely the sunshine, takes 2 days.

Nutty Seedy Cheese

1 cup soaked almonds
2 cups soaked sunflower seeds
Handful of parsley
2 scallions, 2 cloves garlic
1/2 t Celtic sea salt
Place all ingredients into a cuizinart and blend. After the initial breakdown, add 1/2 cup of water until the desired consistency is reached. Serve fresh or allow cheese to culture for one day out on the counter with lid 3/4 on or with a cheese cloth on jar.

Romaine Burrito Wraps

Romaine Lettuce
2 cups nutty seedy cheese
2 tomatoes
2 avocados
1 cucumber
1 lime
1 cup of sunflower sprouts
Layer all ingredients onto the lettuce leaf and roll up. Place a toothpick to secure if needed. Also works with kale, chard or cabbage leaves.

Zucchini Linguini with Pesto

1 handful basil/cilantro/parsley/dandelions
2 cloves garlic, 3 T Tamari, 3T olive oil, pinch of kelp
1/2 cup pecans, water enough to blend (approximately 1/2 cup)
Spiralize the zucchini into spaghetti. Place the rest of the ingredients in the blender and blend with water for desired pesto consistency. Serve pesto over zucchini linguini.

Almond Cream
1 cup soaked almonds
3 T honey (or 1 cup of dates), 2 t vanilla
Blend all ingredients with approximately 1 cup of water until a thick creamy consistency is reached. Serve on fresh fruit or pies.

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